Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum continues to ride his polling momentum into Ohio where he leads Mitt Romney by nearly two-to-one in the first Rasmussen Reports survey of Republicans in the state.

The new statewide telephone survey of Likely Republican Primary voters shows Santorum picking up 42% of the vote to Romney’s 24%. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich draws 13% support, while Texas Congressman Ron Paul picks up 10%. Three percent (3%) prefer some other candidate, and eight percent (8%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording,click here.)

Santorum leads Romney by an even bigger margin – 58% to 30% – when the race is down to a one-on-one matchup in Ohio. Romney leads Gingrich 46% to 37% in a two-man race and Paul by a 58% to 26% margin.

Still, only 46% of Ohio Primary voters are certain of their vote at this time. Forty-seven percent (47%) say they could yet change their minds.

Ohio’s primary will be held on Super Tuesday, March 6, when several other states will hold primaries as well. Ohio allows early voting, and among those primary voters who have already cast their ballots, it’s Romney 40%, Santorum 27%, Gingrich 11% and Paul 10%.

Read more at Rasmussen Reports.