From the 1-percenters to limousine liberals perpetually crying for the planet, progressive often looks to be just another word for hypocrite these days. This example via the Washington Post could hardly be more brazen. Please see the item below regarding a $25,000 bounty from some of the same groups sighted in the first story, with comparable disclosure issues.

Most of the organizations behind the latest disclosure push — including Americans United for Change, Common Cause and Public Citizen — fall under a portion of the tax code that allows them to keep their donor details private. Some of the groups do reveal their biggest contributors voluntarily, but not at the level of detail required for political campaigns, super PACs and other explicitly election-oriented organizations.

I gather the only reason they are willing to act so hypocritically is the media’s reluctance to point out faults in people who think as they do. But credit where do, kudos to the Post for reporting on the issue above. Perhaps Matea Gold at the LA Times should update her story.

A union-backed organization is offering a $25,000 reward to the first employee who comes forward with “documentary evidence” that a company is secretly funding a nonprofit organization active in the 2012 campaign.

The offer by Americans United for Change came as part of a new campaign announced Monday by a coalition of liberal and campaign finance reform groups that are pressuring corporations not to spend money on politics.

The organizations – which include Common Cause, Public Citizen, Coalition for Accountability in Political Spending, the Service Employees International Union, and Occupy Wall Street – unveiled an array of tactics they plan to use to keep corporate money out of this year’s campaign, including consumer boycotts and shareholder initiatives.