Eric Holder’s controversial comments about indoctrinating Americans with regard to gun control may have been a response to the Republican Revolution of 1994. As Kerry Picket of The Washington Times points out this morning:

Before Holder spoke to the C-SPAN cameras in this video, on September 13, 1994, the Democratic Congress passed the Assault Weapons Ban (AWB), which President Clinton signed into law. The ban was a measure that was part of an anti-crime bill. However, the legislation wiped out a number of Democrats in Congress during the midterm elections. House Republicans used the AWB passage and the Clinton White House’s failed healthcare bill to rally the GOP base and capture the majority on the House side after 40 years of being the in the minority.

It remains Holder’s goal to re-implement the Clinton era assault weapons ban, as he explained to ABC News in February 2009. His complete devotion to gun control has become especially newsworthy thanks to the Fast and Furious scandal, which many critics suggest was a program designed to create public relations problems for the Second Amendment lobby.