With Friday marking the two year anniversary of the passage of Obamacare, one might think Mr. Obama would be eager to laud his singular legislative achievement.

Not so, said White House spokesman Jay Carney during a Monday press conference.

When asked by a reporter whether “we should expect to hear from the President on that milestone,” Mr. Carney quickly deflected the question, saying that Mr. Obama speaks about Obamacare “on occasion,” but that his primary focus with eight months until the presidential election is on jobs and the nation’s sluggish economy.

The President is focused on doing everything he can with Congress and independently to help our economy grow and create jobs, to build an economy that is built to last and to make sure we’re doing everything we can in Washington to bring that about.

The President does speak about healthcare on occasion and will continue to do that, but he’s focused on a forward agenda right now and working with Congress and doing the things that he can through executive action to grow the economy and create jobs.

Mr. Obama’s silence on Obamacare may be the result of a recent USA Today/Gallup poll of the dozen top battleground states that found that a “clear majority of registered voters call the bill’s passage ‘a bad thing’ and support its repeal if a Republican wins the White House in November.”