Last week, constituents throughout my district began receiving a new round of illegal robocalls from a shadow group claiming to represent the “Women of the 99 Percent.” These calls lied about my record and misled thousands of people. These types of illegal dirty political tricks do a disservice to voters and have no place in our political system.

Last Thursday, my campaign quickly issued a release condemning all illegal campaign activity, and we asked my opponent to do the same.

On Monday, I reached out to my opponent and asked her to co-sign a joint letter to the Federal Election Commission, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Illinois Attorney General insisting on an investigation into these illegal campaign tactics. The letter requests immediate action to investigate the sources of funding for any calls or advertisements that do not comply with elections and communications laws requiring such disclosure. While my opponent did not agree to do a joint letter, she did send in her own request for an investigation after receiving our proposal, and I applaud her for that.

Below is a copy of the letter I am sending to the FEC, FCC, and Illinois AG. I truly believe the only way to stop dirty campaign tricks like these is to confront them head on.

FEC Chairwoman Caroline C. Hunter,

FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski,

Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan:

I am writing to express my deep concern about the use of illegal phone calls and other methods of illegal advertising and campaign activity in the upcoming congressional campaign. I respectfully request that you take immediate action to investigate the sources of funding for any calls and advertisements that do not comply with elections and communications laws that require such disclosure or provide information on how to contact the funders.

It seems to me that those seeking elective office should comply with the laws we seek to uphold. Political campaigns should not be above the law.

Federal and state investigators have the power to subpoena records from telephone companies, allowing them to follow the money to the source of the illegal calls.

Thank you for your immediate attention to this very important matter.


Bobby Schilling

Member of Congress