Ron Paul (R-TX) has been busy running for president of the United States – but for a Congressperson who’s made it his platform to stand up against big government in all of its forms, why hasn’t Paul been present for 92 percent of House votes this year?

Paul has no shot at the nomination, of course, but he has not made any move toward dropping out. This will be Paul’s last term in Congress; he has already announced he won’t be running for re-election.

This year, federal spending continued to grow at record rates. With Congress closely divided, Paul’s vote – and his caucusing ability – would surely have been more important than his quixotic presidential run. Instead, Paul missed 136 votes in 2012 and showed up for just 15. He missed 69 votes in a row. Apparently Paul’s desire to represent his constituents took a back seat to his desire to amass a fantastic campaign war chest – a war chest that will not be used in the general election.