The Washington Examiner reports that Rick Santorum, having just dropped out of the 2012 presidential race, is asking supporters for help paying off his campaign’s debt.

“I am planning to do everything in my power to bring a change about in the White House,” he wrote in a campaign email. “But our campaign has debt, and I cannot be free to focus on helping defeat him with this burden.”

He added that his daughter, Bella, “has pneumonia, but like her Dad, she’s a fighter.” Santorum declared the presidential race “over” during an event in Gettysburg, Pa., today after spending the weekend in the hospital with his daughter.

Losing candidates must frequently deal with campaign debt. In 2008, Hillary Clinton’s campaign debt was reportedly at the core of a deal with Barack Obama’s campaign after she withdrew from the race. She was passed over for Vice President, but was appointed Secretary of State.