The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has issued a “call to action to defend religious liberty” and is urging lay individuals to strive to protect the First Freedom of the Bill of Rights.

In a news release on Thursday, the USCCB stated that it is calling upon dioceses to pursue a “religious liberty fortnight” from June 21st through July 4th, a special period of prayer for religious liberty. The bishops have published a document entitled, “Our First, Most Cherished Liberty,” in which they assert:

We are Catholics. We are Americans. We are proud to be both, grateful for the gift of faith which is ours as Christian disciples, and grateful for the gift of liberty which is ours as American citizens. To be Catholic and American should mean not having to choose one over the other.

We have been staunch defenders of religious liberty in the past. We have a solemn duty to discharge that duty today…for religious liberty is under attack, both at home and abroad.

The document provides some “concrete examples” of how religious liberty is under attack. Among them are:

In their document, the bishops quote recently retired Cardinal Roger Mahony of Los Angeles, who said, in response to the HHS mandate: “I cannot imagine a more direct and frontal attack on freedom of conscience than this ruling today. This decision must be fought against with all the energies the Catholic community can muster.”

To that end, the bishops urge that the fourteen days- or fortnight- from June 21st– the vigil of the Feasts of St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More- to July 4th, Independence Day, be declared a “fortnight for freedom.”