President Obama has been making a big deal of late over his supposed help for young people with their student loans. Today at University of North Carolina, for example, he said:

You’ll hear a lot of folks say education is important. But it requires not just words but deeds. And the fact is that since most of you were born, tuition and fees in America’s colleges have more than doubled. And that forces students like you to take out a lot more loans, there are fewer grants. You rack up more debts. Can I get an amen?

Predictably, the students gave him a rousing “Amen.”

They should have given him a WTF. Obama’s much-touted plan to help students out on their loans saves somewhere between $4 and $8 per month. And as for the bill Obama wants extended to help out on student debt, Barack Obama skipped a vote on it when he was in the Senate. Twice.

The White House claims that Obama was deeply involved in crafting the legislation. But usually you vote on bills with which you are heavily involved.

This is just another Obama giveaway, just another stop on his “I have your back, now you have mine” tour. Only he doesn’t have students’ backs. Half of new college graduates are slated for underemployment this year. That’s thanks to him and his Keynesian friends in Congress. Can I get an amen?