Conservative Jamie Radtke is getting ready to face off Saturday afternoon in Roanoke, VA for the first of three non-televised debates set for the Republican Senate primary in Virginia–a contest many view as the ultimate insider versus outsider battle when it comes to politics this year. 

Radtke is a Tea Party-aligned candidate, going against an old GOP standby who’s been there before, before losing to Democrat Jim Webb in 2006.

She took aim at her opponent, former senator George Allen, during a brief interview with Breitbart News, while also citing Senator Tom Coburn’s new book, The Debt Bomb: A Bold Plan to Stop Washington from Bankrupting America.

This quote from an ABC report on the book could have been written with Allen in mind, given Radtke’s statements.  “Congress today is a stagnant pond that needs to be drained and refilled with a steady stream of new public servants,” he writes, according to excerpts provided to ABC News in advance of release.

Allen is being touted as the favorite, mostly because he’s been there before. “George Allen can’t speak credibly to the number one issue facing our nation,” said Radtke. “He helped grow government by 46% when there before and voted for new entitlements”. Radtke said it was unfortunate that voters so often send the same old candidates back to Washington, “as though this time things will somehow suddenly be different.”

Citing Allen’s having contributed to the debt and entitlement growth during his previous Senate tenure, she sees it as his critical weakness and why he shouldn’t be returned. Given their relationship to Coburn’s “debt time bomb” going off, she has a point. “In 13 years, interest on the debt and entitlement spending will consume all the revenues going into the budget that year. There won’t even be enough left for national defense, as it stands”.

“Children of 5 years age and under won’t even have a vote in their own economic future,” added Radtke, pointing out that they won’t reach voting age in time to do anything about it at this rate. Family seems important to Radtke, who calls herself “a mom, a wife, a woman of faith, and a lover of America and her people” in her website bio. The Tea Party-backed candidate also holds a Master’s Degree in Public Policy from William and Mary.

There may not be a more insider versus outsider primary race this political season. Radtke pointed us to the campaign video below as the one she felt best conveyed her message.