Sen. Dick Lugar (R-IN) has released a new radio spot featuring Sen. John McCain (R-AZ). Here’s the transcript:

Announcer: Senator John McCain.

McCAIN: Indiana is fortunate to have a Senator like Dick Lugar. He knows the importance of getting our country’s fiscal house in order so our economy can grow and create jobs…. That’s why he’s fought everyday against Obama’s budget-busting proposals which have mortgaged our children’s futures.

Dick Lugar’s strong opposition to Obamacare helped spark Indiana’s involvement in the Supreme Court case to overturn the government’s takeover of health care.

Dick Lugar has always put his country first, helping keep our nation safe and secure as the foremost expert on national security in the Unites States Senate.

Yet, some in Indiana are claiming Dick Lugar is Obama’s friend. That’s ridiculous. And I know it firsthand. Because I fight alongside him every day in the Senate. Dick Lugar is a patriot and a hero, and we need him in the United States Senate.

Lugar: I’m Dick Lugar, candidate for U.S. Senate, and I approve this message.

Even as McCain is endorsing Lugar, McCain’s former running mate, Sarah Palin, is endorsing Lugar’s challenger, Richard Mourdock. Lugar’s support for Obama Supreme Court nominees Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan has become a sticking point for Tea Party activists upset at Lugar’s perceived wishy-washiness. With Palin and McCain now on opposite sides of the race, this nomination battle is certain to become a hot spot for the Tea Part vs. establishment Republican Party battle that has been brewing since 2009.