Writing over at Hot Air, Morgen Richmond notes that an anarchist group has written a long anti-capitalist, May Day screed and added the image above without explanation.

That’s a photo of teen singer Rebecca Black. The person with the gas mask and the club coming up behind her was obviously added with Photoshop. It’s not clear what this is supposed to mean. It’s likely meant as a joke, but if so, it’s not especially funny. Why use a 14 year old as the target of your rage?

It says something about the seriousness of the whole project. These anonymous, Miami-based anarchists have written a long, ostensibly earnest tract about the problems facing society and the solutions they want to see mobilized on May Day. And then they throw in this juvenile joke, the kind of thing middle school kids would be amused by. It suggests the authors don’t take themselves very seriously. And if they don’t, why should the rest of us?