From US News:

The lawyer for the first American arrested with the help of a pilotless drone says “guerilla-like police tactics” were used to make the arrest.

Lakota, N.D., resident Rodney Brossart was arrested last June after a bizarre 16-hour standoff with police in which Brossart was repeatedly tased after allegedly threatening to kill officers who came onto his property. After the standoff, a SWAT team from nearby Grand Forks called in a Predator drone owned by the Department of Homeland Security to determine that they could safely arrest Brossart. He and police were sparring over the ownership of six cows that had wandered onto his farm.

Bruce Quick, Brossart’s lawyer, said in court documents obtained by U.S. News that the use of the drone was “outrageous government conduct,” and that the drone was “dispatched without judicial approval or a warrant.”

Read the rest of the story here.