The Obama campaign is pleading poverty. Really. In an email to prospective supporters, Jim Messina directs recipients to a donation website. The upper right side of the page shows an ad for Obama, while underneath the text reads: “We know that people who see this ad will be more likely to vote for President Obama.  What we don’t know is how often we can afford to run ads like this.”


Obama raised $45 million in February, and $29 million in January, which brought his total to $300 million. By March 1, Obama had $75 million on hand, as opposed to $11 million for Mitt Romney. And Obama reversed his earlier position on SuperPacs, enabling him to rake in even more

It’s no accident Obama has been sucking in the dough; he has held more fundraisers than any other first-term president in history.

Of course, Obama doesn’t give a damn about anyone but himself; senior campaign officials told Democratic Congressmen that they should not expect any money from Obama and the DNC this year.

In a time when millions of Americans are out of jobs, a campaign flush with cash and spending $25 million in nine battleground states should not be crying poor.