Today, in response to Barack Obama’s announcement that his evolution was now complete and that he had evolved into a supporter of same-sex marriage, Mitt Romney reaffirmed his opposition to same-sex marriage. Romney stated:

My position is the same on gay marriage and it’s been well, from the beginning, and that is that marriage is a relation between a man and a woman. That’s the posture I had as governor and I have that today.

Romney also stated that he did not support civil unions that were identical to marriage in all but name. He did affirm his support for domestic-partnership benefits, hospital visitation rights, and other similar measures.

Romney’s position will certainly play better in swing states like Virginia, Ohio and Pennsylvania than Obama’s. In the aftermath of North Carolina’s decision to uphold traditional marriage, Obama’s decision is certainly puzzling politically. Romney suddenly finds himself the defender of a popular position, particularly in blue collar states.