Governor Sarah Palin has endorsed Ted Cruz, a strong conservative, in his primary run for the United States Senate in Texas against Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst:

We’re proud to join conservatives in Texas and throughout the nation in supporting your campaign to become the next Senator from the Lone Star State. Your conservative principles, passionate defense of our Constitution and our free market system come at a time when these cornerstones of our freedom and prosperity are under attack. Our shared goal isn’t just to change the majority in control of the Senate, but to assure principled conservatives like you are there to fight for us.

Palin’s endorsement comes four days before early voting in the Texas primary begins.  She joins other powerful conservative leaders who have already endorsed Cruz: Tea Party Express, Senator Jim DeMint, Senator Rand Paul, and Dr. James Dobson.

Palin, one of the nominal leaders of the Tea Party, has championed other successful candidates, most recently Richard Mourdock’s campaign to unseat Richard Lugar in Indiana.  A former solicitor general in Texas, Cruz has issued his own 12-step plan to save the U.S. economy, which includes repealing Obamacare, killing cap and trade, stopping the National Labor Relations Board from attacking jobs in right-to-work states,  revoking the offshore drilling moratorium, restraining environmental enforcement, repealing Dodd-Frank, slashing corporate tax rates, simplifying the tax code, cutting the federal budget and reform entitlements, reining in the Federal Reserve and ensuring sound money, allowing small and medium-sized companies to opt out of Sarbanes-Oxley, and passing a balanced-budget amendment.

It’s a strong plan. And it’s no surprise that Governor Palin has lent her powerful support to its author.