Rasmussen has released the first post-primary poll of the recall election in Wisconsin, and it looks like Scott Walker, not Democrat Tom Barrett, got the coveted post-primary bounce:

Embattled Republican Governor Scott Walker holds a five-point lead over his newly nominated Democratic challenger Tom Barrett in Wisconsin’s special recall election.

A new Rasmussen Reports statewide telephone survey shows that 50% of the state’s Likely Voters prefer Walker while 45% choose Barrett. Two percent (2%) prefer some other candidate and another two percent (2%) are undecided. 

In an earlier Rasmussen poll last month, 52% of likely voters said they supported the effort to recall Walker. This shift in voter sentiment suggests that Walker is taking the early momentum in the recall race. Combined with his very motivated base of political support, this shift in the polls puts Walker firmly in the driver’s seat ahead of the June vote.