Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s endorsement of Nebraska GOP Senate candidate Deb Fischer has leveled the playing field, and her endorsement seems to have given license to other groups to come in on Fischer’s behalf.

This weekend, The Ending Spending Fund, which describes itself as “a non-partisan political action committee that independently sponsors advertisements” for fiscally conservative candidates, will run two statewide television advertisements in Nebraska.

One commercial is for Fischer. The other commercial paints establishment Republican candidate Jon Bruning as a crony capitalist who has leveraged his positions in government for his personal benefit.

The commercial in support of Fischer is titled “One of Us” and asks voters in Nebraska if they want to choose “one of them.” The commercial paints Bruning and state treasurer Don Stenberg as “two lifetime politicians” and casts Fischer as “one remarkably conservative Nebraska rancher who has the guts to say this has to stop,” in reference to Washington’s out-of-control spending and cronyism.

“Surprise the world,” the pro-Fischer commercial says.

The second commercial, titled “Him,” assails Bruning for enriching himself while in office and raises questions about several “conflicts of interest.” The commercial asks Nebraska voters to vote for “anyone but Bruning” because “character matters.”

Other groups such as She-PAC endorsed Fischer before Palin, but Palin’s endorsement has led other groups to believe that the contest is now between Bruning and and Fischer, with Stenberg fading.