If Mitt Romney hates homosexuals as much the Washington Post contends, why has he gone out of his way to treat them humanely and with respect all throughout his professional career?  

That is the central question that has been left out of the pathetic attempt by The Washington Post to try to frame Mitt Romney as a gay basher when he was a boy.

Take, for example, his stint as head of the Salt Lake City Olympics when he deliberately changed the organizing committee’s proposed antidiscrimination to include a provision about homosexuals and equal rights. “He treated me well, and I think he genuinely believes that all people should be treated well,” Joan Guetschow, lesbian former Olympic biathlete, told Michael Kranish and Scott Helman, authors of The Real Romney.

Guetschow wasn’t alone in thinking Romney treated homosexuals with respect. The Washington Post could have talked to the gay employees that Mitt Romney hired while he led Bain. Or they could have read the 1994 letter he wrote to Log Cabin leaders in which he promised, “I am more convinced than ever before that as we seek to establish full equality for America’s gay and lesbian citizens, I will provide more leadership than my opponent.”

While Romney’s gay adversaries are more than willing to paint him as a bigot for endorsing traditional marriage, it’s worth pointing out that homosexual marriage wasn’t even on the table in 1994 when Romney met with the Log Cabin Republicans. It’s the radical gay left’s and Barack Obama’s position that has evolved, not Romney’s position: tolerance, not marriage.

Romney was particularly inclusive during the 2002 Winter Olympics. “On one occasion,” Romney wrote in his memoir Turnaround, our [Salt Lake Olympic Committee] board of directors was meeting in a building that I had learned was next door to the headquarters for the Salt Lake City chapter of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance. After the meeting, I walked into the GLA office and asked if they would consider helping recruit volunteers for the Games. They jumped at the opportunity.”

This wasn’t an isolated incident. Romney hired homosexuals throughout his governorship. “I don’t ask people’s sexual orientation,” Romney told Hugh Hewitt, “and I don’t believe in discriminating against people in employment based upon their sexual orientation. I believe in protecting traditional marriage. I don’t believe marriage should be extended to the same gender but I don’t believe in discrimination in the work place.”

In other words, Mitt Romney has the mainstream position on homosexuals and their demands. But don’t take my word for it. Take Mitt Romney’s, from National Journal, February 10, 2007:

“Let me make it very clear: I am not a person who is anti-gay or anti-equal rights. I favor the treatment of all our citizens with respect and dignity. I favor the treatment of all our citizens with respect and dignity. I do not favor creating a new legal special class for gay people. And I do not favor same-sex marriage, but as I’ve demonstrated through my own record, I have endeavored not to discriminate in hiring…I believe that in America, we should not discriminate against people eon the basis of our differences. But that doesn’t mean that you create a law for every difference that exists between people. It opens the door to lawsuits.”

And isn’t that exactly what we have seen across the country since 2007? From Catholic charities, to hotels, to proms, to states, if you disagree with the mainstreaming of homosexuality, expect to be sued or boycotted. It’s the homosexual activist left that has bullied those of who disagree with them with lawsuits, boycotts, or threats. Rather than try to persuade their fellow citizens to vote to include them in the definition of marriage, these homosexual left has taken to demonizing them.

Whatever happened to tolerance?