“As religion becomes an ever-more significant issue on the campaign trail, Mitt Romney’s Mormonism will be off-limits as a subject for the opposition,” Obama campaign adviser David Axelrod said last Sunday.

If that is the case, why is the liberal media still focusing on Romney’s religion? Perhaps it’s because they can get away with it, knowing full well that Obama won’t be asked to live up to the same standard expected of Mitt Romney. Obama’s campaign will be praised for the above-the-fray position by the media while the same media carry on the dirty work of defaming The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a world-wide religion. More from Axelrod in the same article:

He added, however, that Romney should to come [sic] out stronger against attacks on Obama’s former pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright. A recent GOP ad proposal unearthed by the New York Times that aimed to focus in on Obama’s relationship with the pastor brought the racially-charged issue to the forefront of the campaign this week. While Romney repudiated the ad, Axelrod and [sic] he wasn’t vehement enough in his disapproval.

If Romney is expected to “vehemently” repudiate any possible attacks against Jeremiah Wright, then why isn’t Obama expected to “vehemently” repudiate ongoing attacks against Mormonism? Why does Obama think he can get away with this double standard? Our president’s insulting silence on media attacks against Mormonism shows a tacit approval, not to mention a lack of principled leadership. Romney demonstrates greater leadership by personally speaking out against attacking Jeremiah Wright.

Having regularly attended LDS churches in various congregations across the country for more than 20 years, I’m very familiar with my church and its doctrine.

We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.

If Obama’s team thinks that the media highlighting Mormonism will drive voters away, they are mistaken. Mitt Romney has not tried to distance himself from his faith and has been loyal to his church and its teachings. If one candidate’s faith is brought into the public forum, then both candidates’ faiths should be discussed in the public forum. Either Obama should lead on quelling attacks on Mormonism, or he should accept that Jeremiah Wright is relevant during this campaign season.