Wisconsin’s recall elections are but days away, and most of the coverage has surrounded Scott Walker’s gubernatorial battle. It’s an important battle, one of the most important elections of 2012. There’s another battle raging, however–that of his second-in-command, his Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch.

The state GOP reacted to the challenge of Walker by diverting resources away from all other contested lawmakers and shoring up the Governor. While Walker is running away from Barret in the polls, Kleefisch is only points ahead of her challenger, a candidate chosen by out-of-state union bosses. Democrats are already trying to reposition their narrative; since it looks more and more like Walker will beat Barrett, they’re shifting focus to the more vulnerable Kleefisch. If Walker wins but Kleefisch loses, labor and their Democrat allies will still claim victory, and Walker won’t be viewed as having won absolutely. Kleefisch is dangerously low on funds, too, as Big Labor drops major coin against her this week in an all-out ad war leading up to election day.

This is where you come in.

Scott Walker and Rebecca Kleefisch’s reforms worked. Voters elected them to office by majority in 2010, and angry labor wanted to abuse the recall function by charging taxpayers millions for a “re-do.” While they talked about “repealing the reforms,” their candidates are careful to avoid such talk in campaign speeches because Wisconsinites voted for those reforms and are happy with the results. The best way to shore up Walker is to ensure that his second-in-command is in office with him.

Today Michelle Malkin, Teri Christoph of Smart Girl Politics and ShePAC, and I are launching a #Rally4Rebecca money bomb to help the conservative, grassroots mom defeat big labor on June 5th. Will you help? Every bit counts.

I’ll be in Racine June 2nd with the Racine Tea Party to help rally voters. If you’re within driving distance, come; if you can’t come, please consider fortifying Lt. Governor Kleefisch and stand with Wisconsin.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz said that Wisconsin was a “test run” for November. If the Obama-backed labor machine fails a second time to oust Walker-Kleefisch, this defeat will resonate all the way back to the White House.

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