The Obama campaign has cut a new ad in which it suggests that little girls are being endangered by Republicans who want to do away with mandated contraception coverage. The ad, produced by Obama/Biden 2012, takes the usual Obama tack of addressing the ad from a common citizen to President Obama, like an open letter – even though the ad itself is an open love letter from Obama to Obama, apparently.

It begins with meaningful piano music, and a young mother explaining that she has two daughters, one six and one ten. The six-year-old wants to be a “doctor for dolphins”; the ten-year-old wants to be a fighter pilot. The intro to these two little girls takes nearly a minute.

Then, for no apparent reason, the mother launches into a diatribe about birth control, as the music rises:

It is upsetting to me that in 2012, the use of birth control has become controversial. Birth control isn’t just for family planning. It’s preventative care and treatment, it’s medication that most women need and use at some point in their lives, and it is as common in a woman’s medicine cabinet as cough medicine … That’s just one reason I’m so passionate about getting you re-elected this year. We need a president who will stand up for women’s health … The dreams of all our daughters are at stake.

In what world is use of birth control controversial? What does condom mandating by the federal government have to do with whether this woman’s daughters become veterinarians? Nothing. What does the health care mandate have to do with the woman’s daughter entering the Air Force? Nothing. And just because a woman has condoms in her cabinet doesn’t mean the government should provide them – after all, does the government provide that cough medication? Or the Q-Tips next to it? But there’s gushy music, so it must be true.

This is the most dishonest entry yet in the long ledger of “war on women” dishonesty from the Obama campaign.