Josh Mandel, who is challenging incumbent Ohio Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown, is mounting a charge. Polls taken by Quinnipiac and Rasmussen have consistently shown Brown with 45% to 48% of the vote since last fall. Mandel’s support, which was registered at roughly 31% last fall, is now trending upwards with 41% to 42%. Rasmussen Reports released a poll today showing Brown at 47% and Mandel at 42%, with three percent preferring other candidates and seven percent undecided.

Mandel, the state treasurer, is a Marine Corps veteran who served two tours for eight years in Iraq and served as State Representative from the 17th Ohio House District. During his two tours, he was awarded the Navy & Marine Corps Achievement Medal for “superior performance of his duties.”

A staunch conservative, Mandel managed a $4 billion government investment fund which got the highest possible rating from Standard & Poor’s while S & P was downgrading the United States credit rating.

Before that, as a councilman in Lyndhurst, he led the fight for the first municipal property tax rollback in Lyndhurst history, one of the only municipal property tax rollbacks in Ohio history.