
In the video below a GOP election observer, i.e. poll watcher, explains how she was ejected from a precinct in Madison, WI this afternoon. The local precinct official wanted the observer to move far away from the table where voters check in to receive a ballot. When the observer noted that she would be unable to fulfill her duties so far away, she was ejected from the precinct. 

The official stated off camera that the GOP observer was “looking at voters and taking notes. That’s intimidation.” Actually, that’s what we call poll-watching. The “notes” was likely ticking off the names of voters as they received a ballot. Poll watchers from both parties generally have a list of registered voters and track who requests a ballot to ensure that only registered voters can vote. 

The Democrats need an overwhelming turnout in Madison to have any hope of winning. Ejecting a GOP poll watcher, who had only been at the precinct for about 20 minutes, raises suspicions that they may just do whatever it takes to get that turnout.