Revenue numbers for May 2012 have been calculated in New Hampshire and there is good news for Granite State residents.

Not only did May revenues beat expectations; revenue from the state’s cigarette tax, which was  cut by 10 cents per pack last year, also beat expectations. The Union Leader reports that the tax brought in 2.2% more revenue in May than had been projected, for a total of $18.3 million.

As of the end of February, the Union Leader noted the tax had already brought in about $1 million more than had been projected, and had beat estimates for two months in a row. In April, the Nashua Telegraph indicated that the cigarette tax was continuing to “outperform.”

New Hampshire House Speaker William O’Brien trumpeted the May numbers as a validation of Republican budget efforts. “Even against the headwinds of a slowing national economy, our state’s economy is recovering,” he said in a statement.