Yesterday, the Velvet Revolution website posted an announcement offering a reward of $10,000 for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the person/persons responsible for the SWATting of political activists.  This comes on the heels of a letter that was signed by more than eighty-five members of Congress, demanding an investigation from the Department of Justice into the incidents.


The announcement notes those individuals named as SWATting victims in recent news reports , including CNN contributor and Managing Editor of, Eric Erickson.  However, it also adds to the list of victims Brett Kimberlin, who now claims to have been SWATted on May 31st.

In a June 6th mainstream news interview with ABC News about the swattings against conservative bloggers and commentators, no mention was made of Kimberlin having also been the victim of a SWATting incident.

Breitbart News contributor Lee Stranahan made an inquiry of the Montgomery County, MD Public Information Office this morning, and received the following email in response:

Good Morning,

I searched our 911 call database for the above listed address. There was no call listed for 5/31, nor anything similar to what you described. I then searched each of our 6 districts for the entire day of 5/31 for a murder in progress, murder just occurred or murder occurred earlier call with negative results. I then spoke with our director to determine if this type of incident was brought to his attention recently and it was not. If your research proliferates any further detail that would help us to narrow down the search, please let me know. I can always check another address if you find one, but for the time being, I don’t see anything similar to what you described.

In addition, Stranahan spoke with Kevin Zeese, the attorney for Velvet Revolution and Brett Kimberlin and received the following response:

Regarding all the SWAT-ting incidents: This is a law enforcement matter, we are cooperating with the FBI in all these matters. We have offered the reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons involved in these four swatting incidents. We do not intend to try this matter in the press. We have no further comment at this time.

You are welcome to report that, but make it clear — this is for all SWAT-ting incidents including of the right wing bloggers and Kimberlin.

Stranahan indicated that when he spoke with Mr. Zeese by phone, Zeese was initially unaware of the alleged attempted SWATting of Kimberlin.