On Monday, Jeb Bush made comments regarding the state of the political discourse. “Back to my dad’s time and Ronald Reagan’s time – they got a lot of stuff done with a lot of bipartisan support,” he said. Reagan “would be criticized for doing the things that he did” today, said Jeb. He said the political climate was “disturbing.”

Today, Jeb walked that back statement, explaining via Twitter, “The point I was making is this: The political system today is hyperpartisan. Both sides are at fault.”

This, in short, is why Jeb Bush was never a beloved candidate of the Republican base – he participates in the same “civility” nonsense that the rest of the mainstream DC actors do. He seems to think that strenuous political criticism harms the political discourse rather than being precisely what the founding fathers intended. He thinks all politics should be steak dinners and wine while discussing vagaries of health care policy. Bipartisanship isn’t the point of politics. Protecting constitutional values is.