The president was in trouble. The economy was down, his poll numbers were dropping, and that wasn’t even the worst part of it.

His number one fan had abandoned him. The woman who had made the video with her posing seductively just to praise him, a video that had more than 25 million hits on YouTube, had deserted him. Amber Lee Ettinger, aka the Obama Girl, would not commit to voting for him again, saying: “At this point I’m keeping that to myself. If I’m not making videos, I’m not sure it’s anyone’s business who I’m voting for this time around. I think in the next few months it’s going to be very interesting to see what happens.”

Who would rescue him now? If the eye candy girl in the bikini couldn’t convince the electorate that he was one hot dude, who could?

Then, from Brooklyn, a savior was found. Someone who would make another video, posing seductively, cooing over pictures of the president, moaning the love for Obama that would reinstate him as The Guy You’d Most Like to Sleep With. 

But for a lot of us, there’s one small problem.

The seductive savior is a dude.

We now have a video starring — the Obama Boy.

Justin Brown, from Brooklyn, imitates Obama Girl in a new Youtube video that celebrates Obama’s endorsement of gay marriage.

Crooning in what he thinks are seductive tones, Brown moans:

 “Cuz I gotta a crush on Obama

I cannot wait for my soul mate

Barry you’re the finest candidate

I can’t wait to see you get hard on Romney in debate

Why don’t you pick up your phone cuz

I got a crush on Obama

I cannot wait for my soul mate.

Barry you’re the finest candidate.

Open, honest and out

That’s what we’re all about.”

Brown wrote on his Facebook page that the Obama campaign is “cracking up.” No doubt that’s true: they seem to enjoy tweaking Americans about their traditional values.

But if Obama Boy’s video doesn’t help Obama regain his luster, there’s always Bo. Imagine: Obama Dog: I’ve Got a Crush on Obama.

Don’t laugh; if the Obama campaign keeps plunging down in the polls, Obama may need a friend. And we all know who man’s best friend is.