Days after Democrat Lisa Brown attempted to shock the Michigan legislature by lecturing the House Speaker on the floor about her genitals, Democrats launched their “Say Vagina” campaign. (It was quickly hijacked.) Brown became emotional during an abortion debate over a proposal that required greater regulations on abortion providers and banned abortions after 20 weeks. She equated the proposed law to rape by saying:

“And finally, Mr. Speaker, I’m flattered that you’re all so interested in my vagina, but ‘no’ means ‘no.'”

The Michigan Republicans say the comparison is what led them to ban Brown from speaking on the last day of session. If shouting “you lie!” on the floor in DC is considered bad form, surely saying the above to Michigan’s Speaker is, too. 

Not according to progressives, who gaffe-tastically overshadowed any real discussion on the abortion bill by dragging Eve Ensler from storage, dusting her off, and sticking her on the steps of the state capitol to recite her “Cougar Cave Ramblings,” AKA “The Vagina Monologues.” 

Republicans have a problem with the word vagina, was the brilliant deduction from Michigan Democrats. Not abortion on demand, but the word “vagina.”

Sorry ladies, no one cares about your vaginas. We didn’t care about your vaginas when you were attempting to force us into paying for your birth control and comically equated trekking to Target to buy it yourself as “banning.” We didn’t care about your vaginas when you demanded that we pay for what comes out of them via entitlements, we didn’t care about them back when you protested in the street to demand that the public pay for everything related to your vagina via Obamacare. 

Here’s a simple idea ladies: if you don’t want people to be interested in your vaginas, don’t demand that people pay for them. 

If you don’t want people legislating on the sanctity of life, then make your pro-choice choices before you have sex. Everyone knows where babies come from, we’ve spent too many billions for any modern-day feminist to be ignorant of these facts. You have the choice of whether you want to have sex, where you want to have sex, when and how you want to have sex. You have the choice of pregnancy prevention aides: pills, condoms, spermacide, diaphragms, prophylactics galore — or you my choose to not have sex at all. That’s your choice. After you choose sex and you create another person as a result of your fully-informed choice, your choice isn’t the only one that matters anymore. (And please, before you crassly trot out victims of sexual crimes as reasons to excuse your pregnancy via consensual sex, read up: Pregnancies resulting from rape and incest amount to less than one percent and abortion is used mainly as a form of birth control. Period. I would also discourage exploiting mothers whose pregnancies have endangered their lives to justify your particular abortion as birth control.)

Michigan Democrats threw a fit because they opposed the coerced abortion protections and protections offered to a child over 20 weeks of age based on their ability to feel pain. They demanded abortion on demand and lost. Instead of focusing on the war waged against women via abortion, they fabricated a silly story about the word “vagina” and made fools of themselves on the capitol steps by turning women’s progress into an excuse to say genitals a million different ways. 

It’s truly amazing: a century after Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Clare Booth Luce pushed for the women’s right to vote, women are honoring their memory by screaming “vagina” at the Michigan capitol building. Way to carry the torch, ladies.