To absolutely no one’s surprise, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) is now officially being vetted by the Romney campaign as a potential running mate and Vice President. Ryan, the chair of the House Budget Committee, has not only led the national debate on entitlement reform, but he has also proved his debating mettle against President Barack Obama, and was once the favorite of many conservatives as an alternative to Mitt Romney. He is pro-life and pro-gun, an avid deer hunter and an exemplary husband and father.

The left has long pretended that Ryan is an albatross for any Republican candidate that aligns with him and his ideas. The past two years have proven otherwise, as voters have been attracted to Ryan’s common-sense proposals and have backed politicians willing to fight for them, such as Ryan’s fellow Wisconsinite, Gov. Scott Walker. The fact that Ryan has been a target for the left for so long means that he has already been vetted by the opposition and the media. He is, in fact, the running mate the left fears most–and thus a great choice.