Municipalities across America are struggling, but that does not concern the nation’s campaigner-in-chief. In what is becoming standard operation procedure, President Barack Obama campaigned in Boston on Monday night and left the city with the tab for all of the security-related expenses his appearance forced the city to undertake. 

As the Boston Herald reported, Obama was in Boston to raise $3.1 million but did not cover the estimated $150,000-$200,000 his presence in the city cost Boston’s taxpayers. 

Earlier in the day, Team Obama left a city in New Hampshire with the bill

David Tuerck, a government ethics watchdog with Suffolk University, told the Herald: “It’s an atrocious waste of taxpayer money … There is no taxpayer interest in any of this. It’s all about getting him re-elected, and the campaign should pay for everything.”

Obama’s campaign has raised hundreds of millions of dollars and an campaign that believes in “spreading the wealth around” should spread some of its fundraising wealth to the local governments Obama burdens with his campaign visits.