After the disastrous Supreme Court ruling this morning on ObamaCare, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) said that the House Republicans will schedule a vote on repealing the health care law on July 11, after the House gets back from its recess.

Cantor spoke of the SCOTUS decision:

“The Supreme Court’s decision to uphold ObamaCare is a crushing blow to patients throughout the country. ObamaCare has failed to keep the President’s basic promise of allowing those who like their health care to keep it, while increasing costs and reducing access to quality care for patients.”

With the abandonment of the Constitution in the SCOTUS ruling, it is now up to Congress to stop its implementation. And only a Republican Congress will do so. With the Republican majority in the House, it is up to the American people to elect a Republican super-majority in the Senate. Cantor’s vote is the first step in winning the trust of the American people that Republicans are serious about throwing ObamaCare out.