“Still a BFD …” is what President Barack Obama’s twitter handle tweeted out last night. 


Obama’s campaign proverbially spiked the football in light of Obamacare being held up by the Supreme Court, marketing a t-shirt that says “Still a BFD” on it.  Obama’s @BarackObama Twitter account tweeted a link to where people could buy the $30 t-shirt, if they can spare $30 in a down economy. 

The “BFD,” of course, is a reference to what Vice President Joe Biden said to Obama before Obama signed Obamacare into law in the East Room of the White House. Biden, forgetting there were microphones around him, told him that it was a “Big f****ing deal.” Open microphones caught those words. The moment went viral, and the Obama campaign immediately launched a “BFD” marketing campaign, capitalizing on the Vice President’s crassness that overshadowed Obama’s legislative accomplishment. 

When Obama tweets from his account, he signs his tweets “BO,” so a staffer tweeted the link to the “Still a BFD” t-shirt. Obama’s campaign should have a separate Twitter account for his campaign and allow Obama to exclusively tweet from his personal account to prevent his account — and by extension, the office of the president — from being cheapened by such crass and gimmicky tweets. But with top Democrats on his campaign who tweet vulgarities, this is probably par for the course for Team Obama and will likely spur those opposed to Obamacare to donate even more money to Mitt Romney and conservatives determined to repeal the law.