Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill may wish Vice President Joe Biden had not talked her up so effusively at a fundraiser yesterday. According to Politico, Biden gave an “impassioned” speech on McCaskill’s behalf and said he was a “strong, strong ally” of hers.

McCaskill has signaled she will not attend the Democratic National Convention, indicating her association with President Barack Obama, his administration, and national Democrats is damaging her chances at reelection in her home state.

Obama barely lost Missouri in 2008 to John McCain and is not expected to carry the state this time around. 

Republicans will have a primary on August 7 to pick a nominee to face McCaskill. 

Regardless of who the Republican nominee is, most analysts have listed the race as a “toss up” or “lean Republican.”

In the RealClearPolitics average of Missouri polls, McCaskill trails all three of her potential Republican opponents,  and that is why  she is not attending the convention and trying to keep her distance from the Obama administration. 

And Biden’s effusive praise of her, which may be used in Republican ads against McCaskill, will only make it more difficult for her to run away from the Obama administration.