The gay and lesbian community is trying to convince the traditionally anti-same sex marriage black community to “evolve” — and now Maryland is a target ground.

Marylanders for Marriage Equality has launched a video on the internet

that features various celebrities and politicians voicing their support for same-sex marriage because a referendum is on the ballot this autumn that would overturn Maryland’s same-sex marriage law, which was passed in March. This is the same tactic that Marylanders for Marriage Equality employed in the beginning of 2012 before the Maryland General Assembly passed the same-sex marriage law.

The three minute video tries to equate the suffering of black Americans with the slights felt by the gay and lesbian community; one black man said, “As an African-American male, I know what it’s like to be discriminated against.”

Since Barack Obama voiced his support for same-sex marriage, the black community has been riven; many religious black Christians have been offended by Obama’s contravention of traditional Christian teachings, and there has been a conflict between the priority of race or the priority of religious belief.