Democrats and an increasing number of Republicans are calling on Mitt Romney to release his tax returns. The liberal website TalkingPointsMemo (TPM) suggests the person to watch is disgraced former McCain 2008 campaign manager Steve Schmidt. Schmidt has seen 20 years worth of Romney’s tax returns while the McCain campaign vetted Romney for vice presidential consideration in 2008. 

According to TPM, Schmidt said on MSNBC six months ago that he would not advise Romney to “disadvantage himself with issues like his taxes, against what is precedent for campaigns.”

“He shouldn’t release information that disadvantages himself and opens up a lot of attacks,” Schmidt said on MSNBC, suggesting Romney’s tax returns could hurt him politically. 

What Schmidt says in the coming days and weeks as the drumbeat gets louder for Romney to release his taxes — if he says anything at all — may be a good indicator of whether Romney has more to gain or lose from releasing his tax returns.