Rumors are swirling that Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ) is going to give the keynote speech at the Republican National Convention on August 28. Christie is widely considered a rising Republican rock star – somebody to keep an eye on, a potential VP choice and a successful governor in a very blue state. Andrew Breitbart once wrote about him:

More than anyone in the country, Gov. Christie has stood his ground in the face of their thuggery and refused to hand over his lunch money ….

Except for Chris Christie.  He’s told union members that their brass has conned them, negotiating contracts that could never be fulfilled.  He’s gone to union conferences, telling members to their faces that governors of the past–of both parties–have lied to them, promising to increase their publicly funded benefits knowing full well that New Jersey was broke.  At the Reagan Library, Christie told a story that captured the fighting spirit and tough love Republicans must embody.  Shortly after announcing his pension-reform proposal, Christie attended the annual fire fighters convention.  It was no warm welcome.  He was booed by the audience prior to taking the stage and even more loudly when he finally got to the podium.  Christie told the crowd that he understood their anxieties about the future, but asked them this question:  “Why are you booing the first guy who came into the room and actually told you the truth.”

Christie was one of the earliest endorsers of Mitt Romney, and is an ally of the moderate wing of the Republican Party, particularly on social issues.