The Conservative Caucus wants the truth about Operation Fast & Furious and they’re offering a $100,000 reward to get it.

“Was Operation Fast & Furious simply a bungled attempt to capture Mexican Drug Lords, or was it an ‘under the radar’ political scheme hatched at the White House as now appears possible? That’s why we’re offering a $100,000 Reward,” wrote Chairman Peter J. Thomas.

The Caucus encourages people to “save yourself before Operation Fast & Furious comes crashing down like Watergate” and to “turn states evidence now just like John Dean did.” John Dean was President Nixon’s White House Counsel. He was involved with Watergate, but eventually cooperated with prosecutors.

Fast & Furious is linked to the deaths of Border Patrol Agent and hundreds of Mexicans, including the brother of a Mexican state attorney. Guns have been found at twelve crime scenes across America and 1,400 guns are still missing.

“We felt forced to run this advertisement and offer the $100,000 reward because justice was not being served, and we wanted to offer an opportunity to anyone who knows the truth to save yourself before Operation Fast & Furious comes crashing down like Watergate; to make the right choice now,” said Mr. Thomas.

The truth will out.