Let this be a lesson to anyone on the right who thinks that affirming a DNC-crafted MSM-approved media narrative will win you popularity: 

The latest CBS/NYT poll is out, and it looks bad for the incumbent Democrat, who was swept into office in a historic election. Dissatisfaction with the Barack Obama’s policies is so high, even spending millions on Bain attack ads has proven to be a failure. From the poll:

President Obama and Mitt Romney are effectively tied in the race for the presidency, according to a new CBS News/New York Times survey. 

Forty-seven percent of registered voters nationwide who lean towards a candidate back Romney, while 46 percent support the president. Four percent are undecided. The one percentage point difference is within the survey’s three point margin of error.

Mitt Romney ignored the naysayers, and if this poll is any indication, he’s better off for it.