Anthony Weiner is back on the publicity trail, releasing pictures … this time, of his wife and baby, rather than his baby-maker. In a beautiful spread for People, Weiner posed with wife Huma Abedin and baby Jordan; he refused to rule out running for office in the future, although he did say, “I’m very happy in my present life.” And Huma is standing by him: “It took a lot of work to get to where we are today, but I want people to know we’re a normal family. Anthony has spent every day since [the scandal] trying to be the best dad and husband he can be. I’m proud to be married to him.”

This is the first step in the rehabilitation of Anthony Weiner. For the moment, though, Weiner is laying low. Asked about running for mayor, Weiner replied, “It’s a clown story, bro.”

No. Weiner running for office again is a clown idea. But then again, Weiner has pushed himself into the public square before in bizarre ways.