On a day when President Barack Obama said politics should be put aside, Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) on Friday could not help herself in immediately politicizing the horrific murders of moviegoers who went to an Aurora, Colorado theatre to see “The Dark Knight Rises.” 

Schakowsky, joining liberal political figures like New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and many in the mainstream media, immediately used the national tragedy to call for more gun control. 

“I hope my colleagues in Congress will consider the proliferation of weapons in our neighborhoods and the increasingly easy access to deadly weapons,” Schakowsky said in a statement. 

Schakowsky added that while “Americans everywhere are in mourning and are trying to understand what possible motivations might have led to this evil, violent act by what witnesses have described as a heavily armed, young man, places that we expect to be safe for our families and children – movie theatres, schools – should never become the scene of such wanton violence.”