What do you do if you’re the President of the United States and you’re desperately trying to think of a new mantra because “Hope and Change” doesn’t cut it any more? Why, if you’re Barack Obama, you do what you’ve always done: plagiarize.

In a new Obama campaign ad shot that was filmed in the West Wing of the White House, the president ended the ad with this line:

         ” …We’re all in this together.”

Just where did the Obama campaign steal this from? The British Labour Party. Ed Miliband MP, Leader of the Labour Party, gave a speech in April of this year in which he used the phrase ad infinitum: 

There are many more examples of what Labour would do to show we are all in this together …. That’s what Britain would look like if we were all in it together …. That’s what Britain would look like if we were all in it together …. That’s what Britain would look like if we were all in it together.

Of course, the socialist Miliband also said:

A government that really believed that we are all in this together would be very different. It would be making different choices, based on different core beliefs.

Miliband’s type of government is also Obama’s. The ideological kinship is unmistakable.

Obama’s not new to the plagiarism game; he was caught as early as 2008.

Even Hillary Clinton accused him of stealing his material. In February 2008, Howard Wolfson, Clinton campaign’s communications director, accused Obama of committing plagiarism:

Sen. Obama is running on the strength of his rhetoric and the strength of his promises and, as we have seen in the last couple of days, he’s breaking his promises and his rhetoric isn’t his own. When an author plagiarizes from another author there is damage done to two different parties. One is to the person he plagiarized from. The other is to the reader.

Wolfson was referring to Obama ripping off lines from speeches Deval Patrick made when Patrick was running for governor of Massachusetts.

Patrick had said:

But her dismissive point, and I hear it a lot from her staff, is that all I have to offer is words — just words. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.” Just words – just words! “We have nothing to fear but fear itself.” Just words! “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” Just words! “I have a dream.” Just words!

Obama’s version?

Don’t tell me words don’t matter! “I have a dream.” Just words. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.” Just words! “We have nothing to fear but fear itself.” Just words — just speeches!

The Master of Mantras can’t even come up with an original socialist line; he has to steal one.