This coming Tuesday will mark the culmination of one of the most watched, most expensive, and most important primary elections for U.S. Senate in recent memory. On July 31st, Republican voters in Texas will go to the polls to choose between conservative change agent Ted Cruz and moderate establishment candidate David Dewhurst. A headline from a recent article by The Associated Press said it all:  “David Dewhurst, Texas Senate candidate, Leans On GOP Establishment In Runoff.”

Not only is the old-fashioned, longtime politician Dewhurst a man of the establishment, now he’s in a situation where he’ll be beholden to the establishment as well. The stakes could not be higher. This is a battle between enacting sweeping reforms to curtail our debt crisis and choosing more of the same status quo failures. If you are an eligible voter in the state of Texas for this red hot run-off election, it is absolutely essential that you go to the polls and pull the lever for Cruz – the man who is on a mission to change Washington and push for meaningful reforms for future generations.

Ted Cruz is not running to join the club in the United State Senate; he’s running to challenge the club and its dismal record on financial matters. Cruz believes in his core that our $15.8 trillion national debt is unsustainable and will need to be dealt with in the early days of the 113th Congress, regardless of who controls the legislative and executive branches of our federal government. It’s hard to imagine Mr. Dewhurst telling the establishment he is currently leaning on to change its ways anytime soon. That’s a sobering fact everyone reading needs to focus on and consider before they go to the polls on Tuesday in the Lone Star State.

One thing the current 112th Congress has proven beyond a reasonable doubt is that it’s not enough to simply send more Republicans to the U.S. Senate and U.S. House. It is imperative that we send courageous conservatives to these hallowed chambers who possess the political guts to lead on these issues and convince others that these fiscal reforms are absolutely necessary. Ted Cruz is one of those leaders – if you live in Texas, please turn out to vote for him. If you have family and friends in the Lone Star State, tell them to vote for conservative change agent Ted Cruz. It’s “go time” for conservatives in Texas; the eyes of America are upon you.