Can you imagine James Carville in front of a giant American flag playing General George S. Patton? He can. Just listen to his pitch for money in an email from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee:

I wish I had good news for you. I want to tell you that President Obama has a second term in the bag. I want to tell you that the Koch Brothers are giving up their plot to buy the election.

No, James, no. Patton didn’t whine about the enemy. He had a slightly different approach. Now James gets really serious:

But here’s where things really stand: We’re gonna have to go through hell and high-water to win this damn thing. It’s gonna be hard. Every big-oil billionaire and Republican Super PAC is throwing the kitchen sink at President Obama.

Once again, the Democrats just can’t stop cursing. Their passion level – or panic level – is certainly running high.

If we don’t fight back, it’ll be over long before November. Contribute $3 or more to back up President Obama with a Democratic majority. Get your donation in today and it’ll get matched. Every dollar we can muster will go straight to the front lines — organizers on the ground —

You do mean union organizers, right, James?

and ads on the air hitting Republicans where it hurts.

Where it hurts? As in lies and misinformation?

If you’re with us, then give what you can today: C’mon now!


Carville, who was born in Carville, Louisiana, ain’t Patton, but he may have been the one Patton was thinking of at the end of his famous speech:

You may be thankful that twenty years from now when you are sitting by the fireplace with your grandson on your knee and he asks you what you did in the great World War II, you WON’T have to cough, shift him to the other knee and say, “Well, your Granddaddy shoveled s*** in Louisiana.”

Carville’s still shoveling it.