The political operative’s voice had dropped to a grave whisper.

“This is future of dirty tricks in American politics. It’s happening right now, before our eyes. You better believe that some very important people are watching it very, very closely to see how the whole thing plays out. And the next time it happens, they will have learned lessons from what is happening right now and how we react to it.”

The operative was talking about the wide range of actions used to throttle conservative speech, activities believed to trace back to a small group of internet-saavy progressive radicals. What appears to be a series of unconnected incidents may have connections that tie the incidents to the radical left.

Consider the following activities from recent months. You’ve certainly heard of some of these events and others may be new to you.

These incidents and many others all trace back to a small, secretive group of progressives who are also tightly tied into advocacy on political issues such as Voter ID, unions and the Occupy movement.  

As the political operative I spoke to pointed out, these moves by a small group of modern ‘hacktivists’ are actually a very big deal with implications for future elections, the use of new media and American democracy. Now, after months of investigation, the Breitbart News team will be laying out the whole story for you in a series that exposes the characters, tactics and motives of the well-funded leftists who are actively trying to stifle free speech in the run-up to the most important election of our lives.

Andrew Breitbart foresaw a world where technology empowered citizen journalists were able to break the liberal media’s stranglehold on the news cycle.  In the last radio interview Andrew did, he talked about the threat he saw to that vision and he promised to expose it. We ask you to join us in the coming weeks as we fulfill Andrew’s promise to his readers and lay bare the network that is trying to stifle, intimidate and shut down the defenders of liberty once and for all.

Stay Tuned for Part 2.