Reports are in that Marco Rubio–who was one of several names on Mitt Romney’s Vice Presidential shortlist–was informed by the campaign that he would not be the pick. 

It’s another sign pointing to a possible Paul Ryan vice presidential announcement early Saturday morning. Rubio rode into office on a grassroots wave and became one of the tea party’s favorite lawmakers. The buzz surrounding his name grew this week as speculation intensified as to who Romney would choose. Some believe that while Rubio would be a formidable pick, he is also too valuable a conservative fighter in the Senate to part with at this time. 

Even if Rubio isn’t the pick, the Senator is still marked as one of a handful of conservative Republican candidates who represent the future of the party. 

Some reports had suggested Tim Pawlenty as a possible pick, but seeing as Pawlenty will be on ABC’s “This Week” Sunday morning, it’s highly unlikely that the Romney camp would stick their VP pick on the talk circuit right before showcasing them on the bus tour booked for this week.