Over the last two weeks, various respected commentators voiced their concern that Gov. Romney was spending all his time talking about the economy and very little time enunciating conservatism. Commentary magazine even ran a piece titled, “Romney’s Strategy Isn’t Working.” 

Enter Vice Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan (R-WI) and not only is the strategy working, it portends victory for Tea Party conservatives on Nov. 6.

By choosing Ryan, Romney demonstrated something which every Republican, and especially every conservative, needs to note: namely, that he’s not satisfied with being the candidate for President. Rather, he plans on being the president.

Ryan is Tea Party politics, and he has the backbone to prove it. It was he who went toe-to-toe with President Obama, showing that ObamaCare does not control costs, does not control deficits, but literally creates a new entitlement. Moreover, Ryan looked Obama in the eye and said the healthcare overhaul was full of “gimmicks and smoke and mirrors.”  

Conservatives have been waiting a long, long time for someone who would go on the offensive and speak passionately about the values we hold dear. Romney has already shown he’s willing to go on the offensive, and with his pick of Ryan he also shows how important conservatism is to him.

The strategy is working. Romney isn’t satisfied with being the candidate, he wants to be the president.