Saturday in Chicago, Broke Party protesters showed up to speak out against President Obama at the Bud Billiken Parade, the nations oldest and largest African-American parade. The president, who over the weekend held the annual White House Iftar dinner to celebrate Ramadan and is holding multiple $40,000 a ticket fundraising events in Chicago, was originally scheduled to lead the parade as grand marshal, but cancelled a couple of weeks ago, due to “scheduling conflicts.” 

Protesters from the Broke Party on Chicago’s west and south side neighborhoods came out to protest Michael Strautmanis, the president’s deputy assistant, who was sent in the president’s place to lead the parade. Mark Carter, Chairman of the Broke Party in Chicago along with fellow “Broke Partiers” entered the parade behind Strautmanis to display their Broke Party banner that states, “Violence need a job…. Mr. President, Happy 51st Birthday.” The banner was initially displayed at the Broke Party’s first rally held behind an abandoned building on Chicago’s west side on August 2, 2012.

Broke Party spokesman, Paul McKinley, told Breitbart News, “The Broke Party ain’t feelin’ Barack Obama… We are protesting Obama because of gay marriage, and violence in the black community, which is caused by starving our community and not providing the resources necessary to create jobs in our community.”

Mark Carter says the group passed out over 100,000 flyers at the parade, to a crowd of approximately 1 million. The flyer’s message of why the Broke Party remains undecided for president–“You let the banks take our mother’s homes…. You gave union all of our jobs…. support gays getting married…. gave illegal children free education and amnesty…. We want jobs not link cards!”

Carter also says, with unemployment for “black-dying youth” of Chicago at 85-90% and an increase in the city’s murder rate of 67% he believes that President Obama doesn’t care, “because it is not affecting his (the president’s) class of African Americans….”