Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX), who still has not formally conceded his presidential bid, will have more delegates in his column as his supporters made a deal on Tuesday with Louisiana GOP officials. 

The Associated Press (AP) reports Paul will get 17 of Louisiana’s 46 delegates in the compromise. The rest of the delegates will go to Romney. Paul’s campaign cleverly gamed the rules during the primary season to try to maximize the share of delegates Paul would receive. This meant even in states — like Minnesota — that did not crown Paul the winner in non-binding caucuses, Paul ended up receiving a greater percentage of delegates than his vote share on caucus night. 

Jason Dore, executive director of the Republican Party of Louisiana, told the AP that they were glad to resolve the dispute so Republicans can “unite and work toward nominating our candidate for president next week.”

Paul did not attack Romney as harshly as he did other candidates in the GOP primary. Paul’s presence in the primary took votes away from the “anti-Romney” candidates and helped Romney secure the nomination. His son Rand, the Republican senator from Kentucky, will be speaking in primetime at the convention to help maximize the libertarian enthusiasm for Romney.

Many believed Paul’s 2012 run was in part a laying of the groundwork for a future run by Rand.