Late this afternoon, Drudge flashed a “developing” headline that embattled Missouri Republican Senate nominee Todd Akin (R-Mo) would hold a hastily-called press conference.

As speculation mounted in some corners that Akin might announce his withdrawal from the race, others cautioned that all signs pointed to his staying in, despite recent Rasmussen Report polls showing Claire McCaskill had jumped into a 10 point lead over him and today’s news that President Obama had opened up a 1- point lead on Mitt Romney in Missouri.

Breitbart News has been told by “sources” that Aiken will be reiterating his commitment to staying in the race.

Earlier today, Scott Rasmussen told Breitbart News’s Dana Loesch on her radio show that Romney’s recent losses in Missouri–primarily among men–were not due to Akin but to Romney’s call for Akin to step down.

Many Republicans are calling for Akin to do the “selfless thing” for the good of the country and step down, but Akin may choose instead to make the race about the distractions surrounding his own candidacy. 

Akin’s choice will be known to everyone momentarily. The press conference is scheduled for 4:15 CDT.